Dienstag, 16. August 2016

afaao in Thessaloniki (GR) / MOCO'16

The 3rd International Symposium on Movement and Computing, MOCO'16, took place in Thessaloniki, Greece, in July 2016 and, as you can see at the picture above, we had the pleasure to celebrate a small afaao-reunion there. 
The team's media artist Martin Schulte, composer Lukas Tobiassen, and choregrapher Foteini Papadopoulou presented an installation version of the afaao's main idea in the symposium's venue, the Thessaloniki Concert Hall - M2. 

as far as abstract objects - the installation

In this interactive installation a camera hanging from above captures the visitors’ movements on a defined area. By acculumating a number of video frames into one, they produce ‘movement paths’ which reveal the interrelation between spatial and temporal aspects, fundamentally inherent in movement.
Additional abstraction effects, selectable on an interface by the viewers themselves, allow visualization of the movement patterns in different ways. As for the interaction between movement and sound, the video feed is analyzed on the quantity of motion by frame-differencing: The more the visitors move, the more impulse they give to trigger the sound. 

Stills by Martin Schulte

Video / example 1
Video / example 2


Further, Foteini Papadopoulou and Martin Schulte contributed to the symposium with a long paper titled:

Movement Notation and Digital Media Art in the Contemporary Dance Practice: Aspects of the Making of a Multimedia Dance Performance
This paper presents some of the aspects from the creative process leading to the multimedia dance performance ‘as far as abstract objects’ (‘afaao’). The creation of that stage work was at the same time an extensive experimental transdisciplinary research, a laboratory for movement analysis and movement composition. In particular, this paper will elaborate on the relation and collaboration between two of the fields involved, movement notation and media art. In ‘afaao’ fundamental principles from movement notation were paired with possibilities from modern media technology. The common ground they shared was the transformation process that movement undergoes when working with notation as well as when working with media art. The objective of this collaboration was to explore the complex phenomenon of movement and to create a work of art that would communicate the research revelations in a visually engaging way with the audience, offering alternative views on the movement’s dynamic structures. 

The paper was published in the Symposium Proceedings by ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, and can be found at the ACM Digital Library under the International Conference Proceedings Series. 

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